Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ça Commence (French and English Poem)

Juliette, my love!
Ma belle fille; ma chère!
Tu es tout mon monde!
Tu es mon amour!

Allow me to speak,
In any language,
To your heart, ton coeur!
Mon français est drôle,
And I can't write songs,
That might move your heart.

J'échoues, mon amour.
But I won't fail you,
Or so I hope not.

I hate Shakespeare now!
He's made you cliché!
You are much greater,
That that worthless play.
Car t'es vivante,
And Romeo is not.

You are not a play,
And yet you suffer
From a tragic life.
The play has cursed you!
Stupid, wretched thing!
Your love-life is cursed!
Les garçons d'avant,
The poor times you've had.
Ton coeur est blessé!
But that means injured,
Poor girl isn't blessed.

Anyways, my love,
I want for the world
To know our love!
It transcends language!
Surpasse les Cieux!

J'adore ton sourire!
Et ton nez bouton!
You are perfection!
I want all to know,
So that they might turn
Green with Zilia!
You are the beauty,
That men see in life!

Oh, dear Juliette,
Tu es mon monde.


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