Monday, August 26, 2019

Allure of the Past (poem)

The past is so alluring,
a perfected recreation of what's gone:
nevermind the sleepless nights
burdened with anxiety and sorrow,
remember only the nights with friends
and strolls along red brick buildings.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to go back?
Back before self-awareness
when madness was considered love,
back to days of constant heartbreak
and the worst grief I've ever known,
but at least I didn't have to work.

Searching for answers in dream logic,
divining the future from pendulums,
days when I wanted to fade away
and skip ahead to the peaceful future.
Always looking away from the present,
I love every time but now.


Monday, August 19, 2019

Whispering Night (poem)

The night whispers to me
all the dark secrets the day inspires me to hide.
“Come closer, come closer,
find yourself in my opaque shadow.”
I want to run to it –
and away from it –
but exhaustion decides for me,
so the night goes ignored.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Dance with me (poem)

Meet me on the dance floor,
show me how to bend space,
to flow through time like seconds
bouncing along to the music's beat.

I used to know the infinite,
an old friend I danced with,
blending into the melody,
overflowing from every little atom.

Dance with me,
remind me of life's exuberance,
take my heart in your hands,
and show it how to beat again.

The next step is unknown to us,
decided by a song we never chose,
but we've already taken it,
regardless of where this dance leads.
