Friday, March 22, 2013

Loneliness (poem) + Update involving "Who is the True monster?"

The sky is deep black.
Blue is never known.
Black donates pleasure.
Blue is a damned thief.

Daytime is empty,
With so many men.
Night is oh so full,
As I am alone.

Loneliness is man,
And freedom is night.
I'd much rather dark,
Than a light of lies.

Is that not real life?
As the dark does hide,
But just physical,
While light hides all else.

We fake happiness,
As the light does shine,
Feel no need at night,
For no one to trick.

'Wear a mask and live,
Truth is best hidden,'
The world will tell us,
And we do listen.

But is this wanted?
As it corrupts us,
And leads to our deaths,
Inner and outer.

Should we wear a mask
We should change nothing,
But to show the truth,
Change everything.

'Loneliness vanish!'
I command you to!
For my heart rejects
Such isolation.

I am alone, sure,
But we stand as one,
As men and women,
Finished with your rule.

If we wore a mask,
We would surely fall,
But I refuse them,
And thus will not fall.

I refuse to let
Your tyranny last,
As it is of fear,
And I have courage.

Such courage is strength,
And it is achieved,
From what I don't know,
But I own it now.

And I will use it,
For more than my sake,
As many others,
Require such strength.

Whether it be she,
Or even of he,
I will gladly aid,
So long as they ask.

But many will not,
And courage will fade.
It will be gone soon;
Loneliness fades not.

      Perhaps you have noticed that I have edited the title of my previous post to state that the story is not a long short story, but rather a novella. This is due to the fact that in my tedious editing of the wretched thing, I have found it exceeding ten thousand words in length. It has reached one fifth of my usual NaNoWriMo novels and thus, has been granted the title of 'novella'. One of my many reasons for editing the work is to bring it to a proper level of quality that may be respectable for its references to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but also due to the fact that it has been much like a curse upon my own mind. I am sure you are aware that it takes place in the world we all know, or at least, the places mentioned in the story are quite real. This makes it all the more real for myself, as these are places I have visited before. Moreover, the dark and twisted actions that dear Frederick commits with such ease terrify me, not because they may have been born in my mind, but because they have truly happened. Perhaps the events have not been compiled in such a manner, but the crimes that he commits are truly real. They are real threats to us all. In a way, one may say that he is a threat to us all. With that, I suppose I ought to return to my editing. There is much to be done. Do take care, anonymous reader. Until next time,


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dear friend,

      I hope you are doing well. It has been long since you and I have discussed our dreams and exchanged pleasantries. I wish to return to those times, so I will begin the tale I have conjured.

      The sun was shining just right and the sky was a perfect blue. These were the first things I noticed. I thought it to be a beautiful summer day. Do you remember those? A cool breeze blew from what I perceived to be the North and carried the beautiful scent of your favorite flower up and into my nostrils. Oh how the roses smelled! They seemed greater than all others before them! I wish you could have smelled what I did. It would have brought such grace to your heart!
      The ground then appeared beneath me. I discovered that I had been lying down. I could feel the grass carefully supporting my head. I relieved the burden of the tiny blades and looked around me.
      Oh how vivid the colors were! Cobalt blue flowers celebrated life on my left and bright orange ones on my right danced with the wind. Behind me, towards the North, lay a world of red and white roses. I nearly jumped to my feet, but remained where I lay. I had plenty still to observe.
      There was so much life around me! It was vivid and oh so real! The beauty of all the colors was all I could see. It was a rainbow painted upon the land itself. I wished oh so dearly that you might be able to join me. But dreams are lonely by nature, so you could not.
I stood up and immediately recognized the wonderful place. In the distance I could see Mount Olympus. Oh it was the garden of Macedonia that we once shared! The roses, then, were those strange thornless ones that the king had grown. Why was I brought to our place in this vivid and beautiful dream?

      I am sure you have plenty of suggestions already, but this is no dialogue, my friend. This is a monologue, like all dreams are. Remember the days that others would come across the gardens? With such wonder they would wander about. So often they would whisper sweet words of Paradise. Were we in Eden without realizing?
      There was no snake that forced us to leave. Oh I apologize! Lucifer forced no one to leave the garden. They did it out of their own free will. Oh yes we made that choice, if not by accident. I remained for some time after you were thrown from the grounds for crimes that could have been easily avoided and pardoned. You did not return, despite all of my lonely wishes. Eventually even I left the gardens. It is strange, but no other plants seem quite as beautiful anymore. The fruits are dry. The vegetables are tasteless. Even the tea leaves do not grow well.

      Winter comes and I expect for my travels to be halted for the time being. I do not quite know if you will receive this letter. I plan to post it soon, but where I am, there is none but myself to send. To the nearby town I will walk in hope that this letter will reach you. Dear friend, take care, for good friends like you are hard to find. I hope my short narrative will give you a reason to find me.

      Until only our ends remain,
      Sincerely, your friend.
