Monday, November 30, 2020

winter sky (poem)

sometimes I wish the world was flipped
that sky and earth would switch

or appear so in my window at night

so I can look out at the snowy ground

see everything covered in soft white crystals

instead of the uniform clouded sky
while I lay in bed awaiting sleep
hoping the sun doesn't rise


Saturday, November 21, 2020

morbid curiosity (poem)

death is an ominous mystery
one I so desperately want to solve

for fear of returning to the void

before my birth I knew only oblivion
but knowing life makes the return horrifying
what is it like to become nothing

to have consciousness cease entirely

I would love to believe in afterlife
in the continuation of my self
but I was born out of death

it has fed me and clothed me

knowing one day I would be its to claim

it's only fair to accept the deal

to live only to die.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

numbers aren't enough (poem)

celebration feels too soon
true victory has not come yet

have any chickens hatched
or are we just counting eggs?

it feels a long time coming
maybe soon we might relax
some sort of decency achieved

a forest fire finally put out

but it burns viciously still
fighting desperately against us

its fuel has not run dry
we've only extinguished a small part.

i want to believe in victory
but i cannot trust our eggs to hatch.
