Sunday, May 26, 2019

Whispers from the depths (poem)

Find it nestled away in the dark
beyond the secrets we're meant to keep,
a nebulous crevasse enveloping it,
a name with no language.

Its whispers slither up the walls
reaching beyond what we'd admit
into the suppressed silence of our minds,
offering truths mixed with lies.

Its temptation is chaos,
a home folding onto and into itself,
walls becoming floors, windows, doors,
a roof made of spheres and cubes.

Fearfully force it back into the depths
where space and time curl up
to it can be lost far from here:
order left intact despite its attempts.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hot Summer Nights (poem)

A summer so hot I barely slept,
staring at an off-white ceiling until morning
with you grinding your teeth next to me
searching for a name to give this.

Sanctuary, salvation,
that's what I came to call it;
a life so mangled and desperate,
I clung onto nothing.

There's a world where we worked,
and there we burn in misery,
constantly desiring to aspire to better
with nowhere to go.


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Determination (poem)

Do I have enough determination?
enough to break out of my dreams
and drag them out into reality?

I worry I don't.
I'm terrified I never will.
But I promised I would.

I promised my mother
when I decided on this path,
obscured by rivers of ink.

I promised myself
to be more than I ever was,
more than shadows could make me.

I promised my fiery creator
that I would burn so bright,
he could bask in my light.

But determination is self-fulfilling:
those who accept its absence never know it,
and those who don't are determined to possess it.

So I am left to ask again:
do I have enough determination,
or will I accept an unfulfilled fate?
