Monday, July 31, 2017

On Moving On (poem)

Sometimes you move on,
not because you want to,
but because you have to.

Because you can't hold on
to something that's already gone,
and isn't coming back.

Those days are lost at sea,
deep in a sea of memories,
and you'd drown chasing them.

So you remove her picture,
the one she gave you,
and hide it away from yourself.

You know you should toss it,
but still can't accept its permanence,
that this is your ever after.

But moving on is about time,
the eventual decay of all things,
until one day it doesn't hurt.



  1. Do not forget the good and warmful moments with her. But great job at moving on. It is never easy, expiecally when you feel alone when you shouldn't.

  2. Mostly, moving on is about emancipation. When considering and reconsidering endless options, when acting passively as a doormat, when indulging in self pity, argh! who am I to lecture anyone?!
