Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Ode to my White Powder (poem)

This white powder,
It tickles my nose
As I inhale.

This white powder,
It is a drug,
Making me dream.

This white powder,
Makes my head spin,
When I see it in abundance.

This white powder,
It is like cocaine,
Highly addictive.

This white powder,
Is not cocaine.
It is fundamentally cold.

This white powder,
It is quite soft,
Even when made into balls.

This white powder,
Does have a name.
Figure it out.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Another Victory for Me!

As of just before midnight of the twenty-seventh of two thousand twelve, I became a winner of the year's Nation Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). National Novel Writing Month, for those who are unfamiliar with it, takes place throughout November during which the participants attempt to write 50,000 words of a single novel. I participated last year. In fact, I won exactly one year before this win, as both times were on the late night of the twenty-sixth of November. Last year I was writing about the night goddess, Zilia, and this year I was writing about the distant Liliana Swan. I suppose you could say that "A Plead to Iris" (this year's novel) is much more happy than "Love: A Chaotic Insanity" (last year's novel). Unlike last year, I actually fell behind in my word count during the third week. Luckily for me, there just happened to be an all night write in at a fellow participants house nearby. I attended and wrote roughly eleven thousand words. I might have finished earlier, and not fallen behind, if I did not have so many essays to write. In fact, I actually did not write for NanoWriMo some nights because I needed to work on an essay that was due the day following. Now, with NaNoWriMo done and a majority of my essays done, I am left with time to relax and catch up on the sleep that I so desperately need.

     Moreover, due to the fact that I had been so busy all month, I nearly neglected my blog entirely and I must apologize for this. However, I would not be surprised to find myself posting parts of "A Plead To Iris" or even of "Love: A Chaotic Insanity", as I am currently editing the latter and will hopefully get around to publishing it before Camp NaNoWriMo of 2013, which will apparently be starting in April (most likely due to the shutting down of Script Frenzy).

     I believe I have flaunted my victory enough for the time being. Thus, I will take my leave and steal some of that mysterious sleep that I have heard so much about. Until next time,

Monday, November 12, 2012

When Winter Dreams of Friendship (Poem)

When Winter dreams of friendship, it sees you.
It was your donation that inspired me,
But I suffer still a problem, it seems.

For when Winter dreams of you, it is warmed.
But should Winter warm, it would become spring.
And to become spring would destroy Winter.

Therefore, when Winter dreams of you, it melts,
And when it melts, it becomes something else,
Something that would contradict Winter's life.

But perhaps when Winter dreams of friendship,
The change would not destroy sweet Winter,
But rather would become something greater.

So when Winter dreams of friendship, it grows,
Warms until it becomes reality.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

She With the Royal Name (poem), and NaNoWriMo Update

Oh She with the royal name,
Must you plague me again?
I once gave my life to save you,
And yet I refuse to talk to you.

Oh great Arabic Queen,
Must I fear you still?
I thought my death freed me,
And yet I fear talking to you.

Oh sweetest daughter of Aphrodite,
Must I sit in silence again?
My mind churns with ideas,
And yet my heart seems to ignore you.

It is clear now that my feelings for you have died,
And that this fear is simply social anxiety.

     Hello dear readers. I am sure you are aware that it is November once more, thus it is National Novel Writing Month again. A year ago, I was highly focused on the woman being addressed in the poem above. She was the inspiration for "Love: A Chaotic Insanity", "The Girl in the Leather Jacket", "The Return of Hope", and many other stories and poems. As you can tell from the above poem, there has been a dramatic change within me involving her. Now that I am starting NaNoWriMo again, things are different. She has no part in my novel and most likely never will. Now on to my novel specifically.
     My new novel is called "A Plead To Iris". It is a collection of unsent love letters from a poet to the woman he married. The letters tell the story of how they met, the times they shared, as well as the trials and obstacles that they faced. Perhaps I may post a part of the first draft, but I would not hold my breath waiting if I were you. Now, I must be off. Take care, will you? Until next time,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Punished by the Guilty

The night was dark.

    My feet shuffled through the leaves nervously. I watched my back carefully. They were looking for me. They were looking for revenge. They would have it.

    I knew my fate. I ran nonetheless. I did not need to stop to catch my breath. They did. This placed much needed space between me and my pursuers. It would not last long.

     Torches lit ablaze from the fires of Hell followed me closely. They were carrying them. When I would look to see how far away they were, it seemed that they were always closer. The torches always burned brighter.

     I hated the light. I was escaping it. Light always brought clarity. Clarity brought understanding. Understanding brought self-loathing.

     "I see the monster!" One of them cried from behind me. The light had found me. I quickened my step. I thought I could outrun them. I was wrong.

     "Then capture it and we will send it to Hell where it belongs!" Another one of them yelled out. I looked over my shoulder. They were ten feet away. I was as good as caught. The light burned my back. They came closer.

    An eternity passed in these next moments. I ran, but I waited. I waited for them to capture me. It seemed to never come. Then it did. They brought me to the ground. My head was covered. My limbs were tied. Moments later, I was being carried back. Punishment awaited me.

     "Good job, boys!" A voice congratulated them. A hand hit me in the stomach. It was painful. "This thing is hideous, isn't it?" They laughed hatefully in agreement. "Set it up over there."

    They carried me. They tied me to something. It felt wooden. My head was bound to it. The cover was lifted. My eyes adjusted. The light burned my skin. The flames of Hell burned so close to me. I was in a room. It was small. It was unfamiliar. On the ground before me lay a half-eaten corpse. It was missing a head. The head was lying on the other side of the room. It was unfamiliar. They crowded around the corpse.

     "Look what that monster did!" They exclaimed. I could not speak. I could not defend myself. One came up to me. A knife quickly sliced off some of my own rotting flesh. They watched in sick anticipation. The one with the knife shoved the flesh into my mouth.

    "Eat it!" It yelled orders at me. I did as it asked. My flesh was flavorless. It smiled. It joined the others.

     Another one walked up to me. It had no knife. It had a torch. It stuck it against my body. I felt excruciating pain. They laughed cruelly. My body caught fire. The flames of Hell were consuming me. I knew not what to do with myself. My eyes searched the room. My eyes found one of them taking off a bloodied shirt. He looked up. His face was covered in blood. It was human blood. I looked back at the corpse. It was her blood.

Then the flames banished me from that world.
