Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Defeat for Humanity (Poem)

Apparently a union between two people
is a defeat for humanity,
so says a Vatican Cardinal.
Because Jesus's mission was to separate,
subjugate, and discriminate,
not redeem, forgive,
and bring together again.

You'd think a Cardinal would know better.
I will tell you what a defeat for humanity is.

A defeat for humanity
is when neighbours hate each other
for their differences and appearances.
A defeat for humanity
would be bowing down to an oppressive regime,
instead of rising up in righteous rebellion.
Humanity will be defeated
when empathy has died,
and all stand opposed to each other.

This so-called Vatican Cardinal
is no bringer of hope and forgiveness,
but of fear and condemnation.
If Jesus lived today,
he would not travel to Ireland,
but rather to Vatican City,
as he spends his time on the sinners who need the most help.

Gay marriage is not a defeat for humanity.
It is a glorious and holy victory!
Ireland has chosen acceptance over fear,
love over hate,
reason over stupidity!
They stand now as an example
that we can become more than we are!

But if this is a defeat for humanity,
then, looking at the state of the world,
we could use a hundred more defeats.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Drawing the Curtain (poem)

I see you
gazing up into my window,
my sweet and dear Juliet.

You watch me
as I string out the thick curtain,
to conceal the light within.

Still you stand,
eyes fixed and fire in tight grip,
exhaling Death's sweet perfume.

Through the blood,
the curtain, your gaze slips through, says:
“who does this mask belong to?”

The man belongs to the facade,
and his heart a trash bin in the corner,
his soul stashed in the drawers. 

Oh, my solemnly named stranger,
will you venture into this apartment,
and search its dark crevasses? 

Will you be the light that shines through,
burning through the blood curtain, the jail guard,
revealing a world made new?

Will the prisoner know no cell,
and know no order to close the curtains,
be free to touch the skies?

Hold fast to this light
for dark returns with cloth in hand,
let go of the light: the curtains cast on.

Forget your old name,
for you are the boundless and true,
and as much as I see you, you see me.

Collect my pieces,
strung about this room, but not lost,
and build me again, stronger than before.

So when next I fall,
no prison cell will contain me,
and no curtains will hide my radiance.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

She is my Affection (poem)

She is my affection.
I feel her touch
underneath the covers
in the dark of night,
when only moonlight shines,
the view of her face fragmented.

She is my affection. 
I see only a screen,
a conversation of green and white.
Last message is mine, 
sent three hours ago,
“Hey, you there? It's been a while.”

She is my affection,
but I can't see her
through the club crowd
and obnoxious flashing lights.
I can see another though,
A bored girl under neon.

She was my affection,
but I want to see the sun,
and hold hands in public.
I want to leave the light on,
talk hours into the night,
and leave the nightlife for the lonely.


Friday, May 15, 2015

One Year Today (Poem)

A crash took two lives,
loved by many.

Everyone coped differently,
from hopeful thoughts of afterlife
to crying late into the night.
I ran away.

One year ago,
I ran back to a ghost of the past
and fell in love with it.
At least ghosts are still around.

Losing someone is like
coming home after a short trip,
only to find the city decimated,
and only a stone to mark its existence.

You want to walk down those old streets,
but they're not there anymore.
There's just emptiness,
that absolute absence.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Dear Lily (Villanelle form poem)

When I looked into your eyes
and beheld your flaming hair,
I felt the weight love implies.

The snow banks were on the rise,
but warmth replaced the cold air
when I looked into your eyes.

From between your round, smooth thighs, 
kissing you with divine care,
I felt the weight love implies.

Then I saw through your disguise,
and saw dependence and despair
when I looked into your eyes.

When I found your stash of highs
and you said, “last ones, I swear!”
I felt the weight love implies.

On the day of your demise,
I kissed you, I stroked your hair,
and I looked into your eyes.
I felt the weight love implies.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Day She Left (poem)

The key
The table


The shut door
The empty bathroom







Your fault
Your doing


Your hand
Her scars


Your anger
Her fear

