Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sunday Blues (poem)

Every high brings dread:
the impending lows approach.
For every extraordinary day,
there are a hundred ordinary ones
living a routine I never wanted,
but needed to survive.

Poetry can dream and promise,
but what power does it have
to change the life of a fool
so in love with his dreams
he forgets how to live?
Not much, I bet.

Where is the magic in every day?
Trapped somewhere beneath my skin,
is this all my fault?
Is exuberance a choice,
or thrust upon the willing,
or a lie I tell myself?


Monday, September 16, 2019

break's over (poem)

the whispering of leaves on a cool summer day
memories so buried the dirt is familiar
have i been here before
or was it a scene from a movie?

but i'm here now, in this fragment,
a child lost among adults
time to get back to work
break's over, young man

the moment shifts but remains
as buckthorns slice my skin
the child plays in the woods
impervious to responsibility.


Monday, September 2, 2019

The Mountains' Clouds (poem)

The clouds drifted over the mountains,
hiding their rounded tips in fluffy white
overlooking forests bordered by the sea,
a vast infinite expanse beyond the horizon.

In a little town by the water,
people scramble to prepare weddings, –
and funerals –
as the clouds pass indifferently above.

Their unseen eyes witness vastness,
under which we are but specks,
grains of sand on a vibrant desert,
leaves on a forest canopy.

When the clouds finally descend
in a flurry of water droplets,
they fall when and where they must,
regardless of the needs of the leaves.
