Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Script Frenzy Take 1 and CampNano in June

     It's been 16 days since my last post on the 12th of February. I suppose you could say that a lot has happened since, which is probably why it feels like it was a year ago. For starters, the wanderer's journal has hit an incredible road block and I don't intend on continuing it any time soon. Also, I have decided to take part in Script Frenzy. Script Frenzy is just like NanoWrimo, but instead of a 50,000 word novel, it's a 100 page script. Right now I intend on making an emotion central movie, opposed to the usual plot central movies that you see nowadays. It's inspired by Wong Kar Wai, specifically by his movies "In the Mood for Love" and "2046". I don't quite know what I am going to write about though, so I have to work on that. My planning will take place over the month of March and Script Frenzy takes place in April.
     I have recently been planning a novel to write as well. I will be writing 50,000 words of it in the month of June as part of Camp NaNoWriMo. I have the story of this novel down already, seeing as I gained inspiration for it today. Below I will include a single sentence synopsis, along with quotes from the current plan. (I work well by writing down what the character will sound like, how he'll act, and other things as if I'm writing it in a novel.)

Synopsis: Once an obsession, a love returns to haunt the man who took too long to look over his shoulder. 

The 'odd' quotes: 
“It never really fades; it’s just forgotten. But the ignorance cannot last forever.”
“I feel it boil back up inside of me every time she walks by me. I thought I was free, when I’m really more trapped than ever.”
“It’s a funny feeling, being in love. It’s an even funnier feeling after you lose the one you love though.” … “You find yourself looking over your shoulder to see if they're still there, only to see nothing but emptiness. In the time it took you to work up your courage, they left.” 

I hope to be ready to write the novel once June comes along, and to be done my 100 page script by the end of April. Links leading to the websites where you can sign up to join in the fun are below. Enjoy and I intend on getting some writing posted up here soon!

Script Frenzy: http://scriptfrenzy.org/
Camp NaNoWriMo: http://campnanowrimo.org/


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wanderer's Journal #19

     I opened my eyes to find a familiar world surrounding me. I had re-entered my dream world, but much had changed. In the distance I could see a desert rapidly approaching, destroying the lush forest that stood in its way. I looked up to find the sun had been replaced by a moon. It was odd. My world used to follow the rules of the real world, but it seemed that the game had changed. I began wandering the world, traversing through the blazing desert. It felt like I had been walking for centuries, but it was less than a year that I had been walking for. The desert moon burned through the layers of concealing skin and revealed a layer of truth. Fire flashed before my eyes and my mind found itself thinking of Marie-Lynn. My heart beat like the telltale heart. I began to miss the flame-haired girl. I jolted awake all of a sudden and found myself pacing around my room for hours. The earliest hours of the morning darkness disappeared quickly.

     I knew what I had to do. I took my leave and disappeared into the cold reality of the world. I wandered through the snow and found my way to the place where we had first met. I wondered if she missed me like I missed her. I believed for a moment that she would be waiting there for me. I let hope get the better of me. The snow covered park was empty. The sunrise that symbolized a repeated beginning no longer seemed so pleasant. It began to seem as if the refreshed beginnings were just part of a cycle that I had been trapped in. I started to think that Marie-Lynn was always going to be coming in and out of my life, never resting to have a cup of tea. I was deep in thought when a familiar voice called out to me. I looked up and saw Kim approaching me, which stuck me as strange.

     "Hey Jesse!" She said with an excited smile. "You don't look like you're doing so well..." Her mood darkened instantly. She sat down beside me and held my hand. She remained quiet, but I felt her loving embrace comfort me. The embrace had changed. Now it was an embrace of loving friendship. The feeling was new to me, but felt to be exactly what I needed. I began sobbing immensely and she just sat there and helped me cry. When the tears had finally exhausted themselves, I looked up and smiled at her.

     "Thanks, Kim" I thanked her sincerely. She didn't say a word, but rather got up and smiled down at me. Her eyes said 'take care of yourself' and then she walked away. I felt six thousand tons lighter and decided to head back home; the sun had finished rising. I was just exiting the park when another voice called out to me from behind me. I turned around just in time to notice Marie-Lynn running at me at full speed. I prepared for impact and caught her in a tight hug. I felt her body warming mine up, but something was different this time. Behind her, a friend of mine followed. His name was Gerald and he used to date her as well. He wore a tench coat and seemed to be a mean guy, but was a Teddy bear most of the time. There was a flash of jealousy in his eyes and I realized that a girl I knew clearly didn't like that. I pushed Marie-Lynn away and went to see him. I figured there was no point competing for Marie-Lynn's attention. Something quickly came to mind. I had read it somewhere and I wasn't sure who said it.

    It said something like this: "Love is like a game of dominoes. You fall for them; they fall for someone else."


Friday, February 10, 2012

Wanderer's Journal #18

     It was a while before I thought of recording the events of my life and most of them for a few months were forgotten. It's funny how some people can just forget, but all I can remember is what I wish I would forget.

      It's no secret that I had feelings for multiple girls within the years that I am writing about, but even you shouldn't forget about the one who inspired it all. Marie-Lynn, the beautiful flame-headed girl, inspired it and I do believe that it is my duty to stay faithful to that for as long as I can manage. I did end up murdering her after all. The least I could do is immortalize my love through these pages that will probably be lost to the winds with me. My time draws near, it seems. Soon these entries will cease and my record will stop. Perhaps there is an after life. Perhaps I'll see Marie-Lynn there. I wonder if there is forgiveness left in her heart...

      At this point in my entries exactly a year has passed since I met Marie-Lynn. We didn't talk anymore and my dreams had faded into nothingness. There was a while since the girl with eyes as dark as night tormented my dreams. She drove me insane, but I found an escape. Soon the goddess lost her divine grace and she became human once more. Of course she faded from my dreams and my life because of that. I hadn't been able to return to my world since, though. It was saddening that I could no longer escape to a world entirely my own. I had been dealing with reality and things had gotten much harder. I was so used to being able to take my time with everything, but now I felt rushed. I began to miss Marie-Lynn dreadfully because she provided me with an escape. The conflicts I had with her never really meant anything. They were just petty jealousy things and paranoid illusions. But she was worlds away, even if she was right beside me. 

      I couldn't bring myself to feel the same way as I did with her ever again. There was something different about her. An instant connection that we shared and, even to this day, it is a connection that I've only ever experienced with her.

      I began studying film to distract me from the thoughts of her, but quickly I found myself thinking of her anyways. Kar-Wai became my favorite director, mostly because of his movies "In the Mood for Love" and "2046". Two aspects popped out at me and made me wonder about my relationship with Marie-Lynn, that instant connection. The first was the idea that love never comes on time and that it always comes too early or too late. This struck me deep, but not as deep as the second concept did. The second idea is that once you fall in love, you can't replace that person. It hit deep because all throughout "2046" Mr.Chow was trying to replace Mrs.Chan, but never succeeded and gave up on love. He just became a ladies man and had a bunch of one night stands to fill that appetite for something more that he had. It angered me so much and now that I look back on it... I realize that it angered me because I saw myself in Mr.Chow and I just wanted to slap myself out of it. Of course, neither of us were slapped out of it and maybe it's for the better. You never know. I wanted to scream "Go after her if you love her!" at him, but I knew he wouldn't. He would just sit down and write about sex because that distracted him from the pain. I wanted to punch him and tell him "go write that martial arts novel!" but of course I was telling myself to start recording the events of my life once more. So here I am, listening to my own frustrated thoughts.

      I'll be honest though. I was never sure if I was ever going to see Marie-Lynn again. I was even less sure if our lips would meet again like they did the summer before. In all that madness, perhaps a little truth did come out. I never really found out how she felt that night. I know how I did. Is it too late to go back to my world and hide?


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wanderer's Journal #17

It was her smile that pulled me back into the darkness. The night-eyed girl showed the warmest smile one day. I don't believe it had anything to do with me, but it was pointed in my direction. Quickly I succumbed to the insanity, but this time was far more gentle. I have still yet to figure out what I felt for her. It was like something I could never hope to escape, and something I've never experienced before. It was comfortably warm at times and frozen as ice at others. I was never sure what she wanted, what she felt, or even what she saw. Uncertainty enveloped her like a black silk shawl.

It became hard to balance reality with the muddied conception of reality that I had created. I was a slave to the ideas that I hated, and violently rejected. This gentle feeling that numbed my violent rage quickly became the very source of it. It's crazy in itself, becoming maddened by the very thing that was keeping you calm. But the beast had stirred in me, not interested in keeping calm. I overheard my name coming from her direction one day and became interested in what the conversation was about. I listened in and it sounded like they were discussing me. This angered me, for the ones she was asking were not my friends, nor knew anything about me. They were invalid sources, who knew only what they could see of me. What I portrayed myself to be to others has never been a truly reliable way to tell who I was.

Soon, though, this anger faded, but it didn't fade alone. It took my feelings for the night-eyed girl with them and my life regained its small amount of sanity. My mind had a moment of complete freedom, but I felt like I was missing something. I went off to find it, but the exact details are no longer in my memory. All I know is that what I found was there all along. I found that I was, in fact, just trying to replace something that I had lost, but that's a story for another entry.

Sorry for the length, but I hadn't been writing it at all and this night-eyed girl thing really wasn't working for me. I guess I have to focus on my inspiration. I had forgotten who inspired this story for the longest time. Oh well, I won't forget again. Wanderer's Journal #18 will be up on the twelfth.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Torrents of Tears

The tears of the endless cloud pour down in torrents, silencing all other sounds. The rain covers the land as far as the eye can see and the dark clouds do not give the impression of letting up anytime soon. They cackle with energized laughter, the laughter of Zeus. Night has fallen and the forest that is under attack from an unrelenting waterfall attempts to keep itself in one piece. The dirt road that leads deep into the woods is facing possible destruction and is impassable by cars. The man-made path finds its end at a small house. Deep inside what is left of the home hides a child close to adulthood. One more year and that child will become a woman in the eyes of the world, but to her she'll always be a child. Her name is Jayden Hurst.

She sits alone in the dark home waiting for someone, anyone, to come save her. The reality of it is that she doesn't even know what she wants to be saved from. Maybe it is from the endless torrents of sky-tears, or maybe it is from the endless torrents of her tears. She's crying with the world, yet alone at the same time. The sky is crying because the weight on it is too much for it to handle, so it breaks down and lets some of that burden fall. Jayden is not so lucky. Crying is what seems to have gotten her into this mess. There's an idea in her head that is blooming because of the tears and it's starting to make her believe that the entire world hates her. At this point, she'd believe that even her white hair wants to rid itself of her. It is falling out after all, but it's for a different reason. Maybe it is because she hates herself.

Far away, someone comes for her. Anakin Donovan is what he was named when he entered this strangely familiar world. He will be her earth if she will be his sky. He'll absorb all of her pain and create something new, something beautiful, but only if she allows him to. His dirty-blonde hair is kept short so that he never loses sight of what he's aiming for. In a sense he is the lightning tosser himself, for lightning goes from the ground to the sky, connecting them for a split, but powerful, second. It will take more than Zeus' powerful lightning bolt to save Jayden now. Slowly, but surely, the sky is falling into nothingness without the earth holding it up.

Anakin's car pushes through the downpour, but eventually gives in. The Oldsmobile rolls to a stop, leaving Anakin overwhelmed by the limitless rain. He stays sitting in it, trying to figure a way to travel another mile before getting to the all too familiar dirt road. It's a path he's travelled many times, normally without much tangible reason. All of a sudden the route is impossible to pass, but that isn't going to stop him. Jayden wouldn't have given up on him, so he isn't going to give up on her when she needs him most. The car door is violently pushed open against the will of the endless torrent of tears. Anakin prepares himself and jumps out into the pummelling rain. He pulls his leather jacket over his head and begins running in an attempt to make up for some lost time.

Meanwhile inside of the small house, Jayden places pots under the holes in the ceiling to collect the water. The drops of water cause the kitchen to be overcome by a loud crashing sound. Jayden quickly retreats from the room and disappears into the living room where the roof is more water resistant. Close to no drops fall from the ceiling in her living room and candles are swiftly lit around the room, replacing the artificial light created by the electricity. Unlike most houses, Jayden's house does not lose power during severe storms, but it often seems like it does because the residents always shut off all electronics. They always fear that a lightning bolt will strike the house and cause them to explode. Whether this is possible or not, Jayden follows the tradition and allows the warm light of the multiple flames to dry some of her tears. Still crying, she lies down on the couch and contemplates suicide.

Just as she begins to consider suicide as a serious option, Anakin reaches the halfway point before he reaches the dirt road. He begins to feel sky-tears fall on his head, where his jacket is covering him, and realizes that the rain beat holes through the leather. Exhaustion overwhelms him, but instead of stopping and giving up, he throws the jacket away and begins to run even faster. Worry washes over him as he nears the dirt path. His mind starts to consider that he might not make it to Jayden at all. After a short while of running, Anakin reaches the dirt road, which has become more of a rushing river than a road. He seriously considers turning around, but takes a step into the rushing water nonetheless.

Jayden wanders about her house with a small flashlight, looking for something that her father used to keep for self protection. She knows that he hid it somewhere in the house before he passed away, but never told anyone where it was. No one quite understood why, but no one really cared all that much anyways. Jayden slowly makes her way towards the stairs that lead down into the basement. She sees a small light reflect back and starts to sprint towards it. She doesn't notice the side-table until it is too late. She trips over it and disappears into the watery darkness.

Anakin comes up for a breath and clings desperately to a tiny tree that is hardly even rooted into the ground anymore. Suddenly giving up seems like a good idea, but it's too late to turn back now; he has to finish this. The raging current pulls at him and the tiny tree. In moments both are dragged under.

Jayden bursts from the water and finds her way towards the first floor. She climbs out of the flooded basement and realizes that her flashlight is at the bottom of the staircase. She considers diving to get it. Instead she finds herself walking away. The blinding dark surrounds her, consumes her, but in the distance the candlelight can be seen. She follows it and finds her way back to the couch, where she will hide away for the rest of the night. Without her flashlight, she can't navigate through the house. Having given up on finding her father's prized possession, she repositions herself on the couch, trying to escape a strange solid lump in a cushion. In an instant she realizes what the lump might be and tears through the pillow, only to reveal a small pistol. Now she has the means to meet the end.

Anakin resurfaces, having found stable footing. The raging current tries to pull him away again, but his strength keeps him solid in his resolve. In the very near distance he can see the glow of the candlelight through the trees. He slowly starts to take a step, fighting the torrential currents. He succeeds and continues to sluggishly make his way across the newly found river. Anakin bursts free of the crushing grasp of the flowing sky-tears and takes a breath once back on land. His break is cut short when he remembers the danger that Jayden is in. With all of his remaining energy, he sprints towards the candlelight.

“Nobody is coming, Jayden.” The confused teenager convinces herself. “The world will be so much happier after you pull the trigger and cause the worthlessness of you to go extinct.”She tells herself, subconsciously recognizing the words as lies. If only her subconscious could scream out the truth before it's too late. Knowing that this is the end, Jayden cries even more as she brings the cold metal chamber to her temple. The storm outside worsens, but far off in the distance a quick moving light approaches. Jayden goes to pull the trigger.

“Jayden!” Anakin yells out to her as he breaks through her glass sliding door, causing her to drop the gun in shock. The gun goes off and shatters the leg of an unstable table. It crashes to the ground, along with the candles on top of it.

“Anakin...” Jayden says in a daze. He doesn't say anything in return, but just smiles instead. He walks over to her slowly, exhausted from his trek to reach her. She stands up and mimics his slow walk. They meet each other in the middle and turn so that the broken glass door is to their side. A gentle smile stretches across Jayden's face as she stretches her arms out. He mimics her movements this time and the two teens find themselves hidden from the torrents of tears within each others arms. Lightning strikes, connecting the earth with the sky.
