Saturday, December 15, 2012

"The Disaster of Our People" and "Inaction of Our Time"

The Disaster of Our People

     Such a sadness there is in those who did not and, on occasion, could not act. Great tragedies are felt across the land. An overwhelming sadness stands over it. But why do such things happen? It is in our nature to be violent and yet we reject it fully. Still when such events happen, the majority is left powerless. Have we forgotten how to act? This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, I am sure. To end the killings entirely is to do the impossible; it is to suppress human nature. But it is possible to act nonetheless.
     We must use the information given to us instead of hoping someone else will. What are the weapons used to slaughter our children, our friends, our family, our neighbors? The weapons used for slaughter are weapons of war. Is it a war being waged on our lands? It would seem to be, but who is fighting who? Those who commit such crimes against humanity have an identity. Who are they? How can we oust them from the homes that they threaten? This is where the problem is.
     We cannot distinguish them from ourselves, as they are us. We fight against ourselves, but for what? Is it for pleasure, or honor? Is it to protect each other? Surely the latter is impossible, as if we truly aimed to protect each other, then this fratricide would not happen. No, we fight for ourselves. This is how it happens.
     We treat those who scare us either well or horribly. The act of treating them horribly results in revenge. It is our fear that controls us. This fear can be healthy, but when one is too afraid to act, it is destructive. Is it fear that keeps those weapons of war and slaughter so accessible in a land of peace? If so, then this fear enables the slaughter to happen; we enable the slaughter to happen.
    We know this and it frustrates us. We don't want the slaughter to happen, but we don't know how to act. Our fear robs us of the knowledge to fix the problems within the people of this land. We are one person together. This person suffers from internal wars born of fear, frustration, and hate. This person stands divided in every aspect of being. This person understands some of the great wrongs but finds that he/she is doing it to his/herself.
     Perhaps the fear of death is why we say murder is wrong. If it is, why would one kill one's self? We know there is something worse than death. That thing is the fear controlling us, the inability to do anything. We see such horrors, but cannot stop them. We are passive receivers of the torment. We have forgotten how to act.
    But inaction will not last. Soon our frustration will grow and become unbearable. It is then that real change will come, for we will be too angry to allow our fear to hold us back. We will overthrow the tyrant that had been oppressing us for so long. It is then that we will change the world we live in for the better.

Inaction of Our Time

I am sick of this:
Waiting for heroes
To sweep us away,
And defeat evil.

Action must happen.

We are forsaken
By all the heroes.
They have not left us.
Yet we are without.

I wait no longer.

It is the losers,
And the powerless,
The beaten and weak,
Who will rescue us.

We must join forces.

All must be as one,
To battle evil,
This evil of ours,
The evil within.

Inaction dies now.

I refuse to fall,
When others need help.
Our revolution
Will  begin tonight.

Our frustration roar.

Our conscious screams,
For we can do right.
And we will do it.
It is time we fight.

We are our heroes.


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