Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ramblings of a 30th NaNo (non-fiction)

 The eve of August looms on the horizon, and here I am with my first post of the month, the first post in over a month. There is a reason for that, I'm sure, though it's mostly because I've been busy with moving, and then Camp NaNo. I've been working on "The Beginning of the End" that old novel of mine I seem to be unable to finish, though I've gotten desperately close to the end of another draft, one of the last I think. 

It was a strange realization earlier when I completed my word count for NaNo this month to see that it was my 30th NaNo since I began almost a decade ago now. It's become almost routine, the three months a year I do it. Year by year, the achievement has felt less and less impressive, yet I never stopped. With an average of 50,000 words per NaNo, those 30 times equals a million and a half words over the past ten years for NaNo alone. I really do talk incessantly, don't I?

With all that being said, I did want to commemorate the occasion at least a little, hence this post. Life has changed, time weaving in ways I struggle to hold onto. The situation of the world has made it stranger than adulthood usually is. Sometimes it feels like there's not enough time for anything, while other times, I find myself realizing that I've simply wasted it in being tired. Sometimes I have time at work to ponder poetic thoughts, other times it's all step by step.

Yet through it all, I manage to continue my march during NaNo. I find those precious moments between tasks, those moments between seconds, to bring my story to life. Though I am unsure of some of the choices I've made, whether the path the story walks is the right one, I press on regardless. It's better to fail in attempts than give up entirely.

But I am rambling (as I am likely to do). Let this post mark another end, another step on the path that no one yet knows the destination of. 

Until next time,
