Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cleopatra (poem)

I lost the love of my life.
It's a soothing thought at least,
to believe that it's over,
that that's my part in the story.

It removes the uncertainty,
so I no longer can wonder
if I'll ever love again.
No, this is certain.

I've already memorized my lines,
learned how to stare wistfully
off in the distance as if she was there,
made a playlist titled “one love”.

I've learned to keep pictures with me,
and return to places we'd been
to try and relive those precious moments,
write her name time and time again in my journal.

But I've fooled myself too many times
to fall for this sweet lie of mine.
As much as I want to believe,
it all feels empty.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How I do it (poem)

She asks me how I do it,
and I try to explain
how my mind is dangerously fictional,
wrapped in constant stories,
so much I get lost in them.

I try to explain that writing
is the only good use of them,
how since I can't escape,
I might as well tell them,
hoping that changing the characters saves me.

So rejoice that you are not so bad
that you write love stories
where they will never happen,
taking the slightest thing to mean so much,
when so often it is meaningless.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

I walk along the train tracks (poem)

I walk along the train tracks
after the first snowfall,
the white specks barely covering
the leaves blown by the passing train,
now held down, frozen in place,
on the rocks on the left and right,
to watch the train chug along.
