Saturday, October 16, 2021

These Autumn Nights (Odd Notes)

Nights like this bring me back through all the years. Old memories are shrouded in song – some, nights I'd rather didn't happen. Most nights it felt like you and I were chasing the full moon's magic. We never got it. All we caught were tricks and fantasies, smoke and mirrors about to be blown away.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

hope i'm not tired of rebuilding (poem)

I didn't mean to be gone so long
I could say life got in the way

as if the only road home was closed

but it just feels like an excuse.

I never let you slip my mind
but thoughts can only go so far:

there was fuel in the tank

I just had to drive back home.

I've got my foot in the door now
its hinges are rusted and stuck

but I'll keep pushing till it opens–

until I fall in love with you again.
