Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I miss having somewhere to go (poem)

I stepped through the city today
as if I was still a child
floating and wide-eyed at the world
imagining all the times to be had
there were restaurants to go to
cafés to lounge at
and strangers to see.

I picked up my order and drove home
those days are gone now.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

asylum (poem)

why did i come here
these long halls lead nowhere
the rooms only filled with shadows
how do the lights even work

is it some desire for adventure
that lures me to abandoned places
searching for something that doesn't exist

guess that's nothing new

the lights flicker and break
my heart flickers back
where are those footsteps coming from
i need to hide. now.

they draw closer and closer
their breathing is strained
broken up like a motor refusing to start

they're coming right for me

why did i come here
i'm not prepared to stay
the air around me freezes
everything goes dead silent
