Monday, November 27, 2017

a hundred novels (poem) - live long enough to become the hero

I have written a dozen novels,
from beginning to end.
People praise me for this.
But these novels are first drafts,
and instead of editing them,
I write another because it's easier.
They talk of my work ethic,
say they want to read them one day,
but never will.

If I die old and miserable,
I will be an author of a hundred novels,
and none of them will be worth reading.


Friday, November 24, 2017

A story not worth reading (poem) - live long enough to become the hero

I think I'm afraid
that I'm not good enough,
that all these years of work
were a waste of my life.
So I hide away in my safe haven,
where everyone thinks I'm great.
Here, there's no rejection,
no epiphany of reality.

What if I really am
a story not worth reading?
What if only I love my words
because I live in them?
And I'll spend the rest of my life
pretending that I matter.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

The mask I wear (poem) - live long enough to become the hero

My mask is calm confidence,
the seeming carelessness
of a man who has it all.

But behind that mask
is a man afraid to speak
in fear of making a mistake.

Behind that mask
is a writer afraid to submit
in fear of being rejected.

Behind that mask
is a fire afraid to burn
in fear of being put out.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A crow perched on a cross (poem)

In the end we're all bound to change.

A crow perched on a tall rusted cross,
its once white paint long gone -
the cross now a bare-boned effigy
to a god who went silent long ago.

One day the wind will blow,
and the cross will crumble,
eaten away by years of neglect
by a people who forsake their god.

A great kingdom turned to sand,
washed away by the wind and rain -
homes turned to ash,
their inhabitants spilling out of broken urns.
