Sunday, June 16, 2019

Deceptive Reflections (poem)

The mirror holds no truth:
it reflects light back to us,
but we decide what we see.

An impulsive boy sees indecision,
fear and anxious hesitation
despite his usual reckless behaviour.

An insecure girl sees ugliness,
her thighs and waist too thick
for anyone worthy of love.

Trapped in our blind minds,
we torment and hate ourselves
for an image we chose to see.

Cruelty is mind's invention,
used to inflict pain on its enemies,
even if that includes you and I.

Reality cares not for our illusions:
a rash boy will continue being rash,
and an insecure girl will continue being loved.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

when we met (poem)

I'll admit, when this all started,
I wasn't ready for it.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm still not ready,
moments of doubt among the foggy days.

Heartbroken and desperate,
I met you right as sorrow turned to rage,
frustration at my own romanticism,
the seed for all of my failures.

Past loves still haunted me,
the weight of my guilt holding me to earth
as my romantic mind fluttered in impossible skies.
There shouldn't have been another.

But I never reject possibility,
too afraid to let love slip me by again,
so we ended up getting together,
my romantic mind chained to the ocean floor.

The unprecedented happened:
my ghosts grew faded in apathy
like a bright yellow dress
that'd been washed a thousand times.

In the strangeness of our minds,
we found a stable home
built on the delicate stones of trust
with the transparent walls of freedom.

I never worry I'm too weird with you,
my old strategic concealment has no use,
and though I cautiously protect my notebooks,
it's just because only I can read them properly.

When this all started,
I wasn't ready to love again,
but somehow we found a way
to make a love greater than any I've known.
