Sunday, December 3, 2017

God will show me the way (poem) - live long enough to become the hero

I'm always told
that God will show me the way,
and if I listen,
all will be well.

Yet somehow,
I've been left with debt,
and little means
of release.

And I try to walk,
but it's so heavy I barely move,
and the path
goes on without me.


1 comment:

  1. Men (and read this noun whichever you wish) have «slightly» biased definitions of «listening», and of «God» for all that matter.
    As about the walking part, The Jewish translation of Genesis 17, 1 tells us that God told Abraham to walk in front of Him (or His Face). Now, on one hand, it tells us that Abraham had to walk in full trust, not to mention the kick in the butt that was awaiting if he were not moving; on the other hand, he was moving, period, knowing that he had to accept the errors and the successes without anticipating neither trophies/rewards, nor flatteries/Good-boy-pat-on-the-back-type-of-shit. What have you got to lose? I remind myself that Abraham means human, and I am often told by real friends, «WTF are you waiting for?» Move now, as the moving gets tougher if you lose the hand of it. Courage, fellow-Abraham.
