Monday, November 27, 2017

a hundred novels (poem) - live long enough to become the hero

I have written a dozen novels,
from beginning to end.
People praise me for this.
But these novels are first drafts,
and instead of editing them,
I write another because it's easier.
They talk of my work ethic,
say they want to read them one day,
but never will.

If I die old and miserable,
I will be an author of a hundred novels,
and none of them will be worth reading.


1 comment:

  1. "Your story is not your story when you force yourself to become someone else's story. You are where you're coming from and you are where it is that you're going to. The only person you need to compare yourself today to is the person you were yesterday. If you want to have a comptetition with anybody, then make it between those two people. You find yourself in a place where the person you are today is no longer afraid to meet the person that you can become tomorrow." -Goalcast video:

    Time is key, as you said in the last poem.
