Monday, June 18, 2012

Employment (poem)

Employment, oh how I resent you.
Merely four days have passed since I became 'employed',
Yet I have already gained this resentment for you.

Perhaps it is because of my motives,
Or perhaps due to my injured values;
It very well could be because of both.

I sell knives to clients, people I know personally,
Yet the razor-sharp knives could never sever the noose,
The noose that society put around my neck when this began.

'Make appointments' he says,
As if it is something that is easy to do,
When one understands that the appointments resolve around money.

These 'appointments' are business meetings,
Despite his constant talking of them as social meetings,
And I resent these 'appointments' because of it.

After all, I am calling old friends for once,
Yet I only search to make a quick buck.
Have I truly sold my soul to society?

My conscious is howling in pain,
Like the lone wolf howls at the moon,
Looking for someone else to come along and save it.

But I know only I can save it,
For I am more than just the moon,
As I am another lone wolf.

What may these two wolves do together?
This is a question I ask myself everyday,
But the answer is the question.

The two lone wolves will act together,
As opposed to as separate entities,
Allowing for the both of them to prosper.

And I have seen these two wolves together,
As they travel far and wide as a pair,
Writing heart-felt stories that perhaps only they love.

But whether the two are alone or not,
So long as they are together,
They need not the world around them.

For once a man listens to his conscious,
He will see the world in a different way,
As every happy man will.


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