Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Script Frenzy Take 1 and CampNano in June

     It's been 16 days since my last post on the 12th of February. I suppose you could say that a lot has happened since, which is probably why it feels like it was a year ago. For starters, the wanderer's journal has hit an incredible road block and I don't intend on continuing it any time soon. Also, I have decided to take part in Script Frenzy. Script Frenzy is just like NanoWrimo, but instead of a 50,000 word novel, it's a 100 page script. Right now I intend on making an emotion central movie, opposed to the usual plot central movies that you see nowadays. It's inspired by Wong Kar Wai, specifically by his movies "In the Mood for Love" and "2046". I don't quite know what I am going to write about though, so I have to work on that. My planning will take place over the month of March and Script Frenzy takes place in April.
     I have recently been planning a novel to write as well. I will be writing 50,000 words of it in the month of June as part of Camp NaNoWriMo. I have the story of this novel down already, seeing as I gained inspiration for it today. Below I will include a single sentence synopsis, along with quotes from the current plan. (I work well by writing down what the character will sound like, how he'll act, and other things as if I'm writing it in a novel.)

Synopsis: Once an obsession, a love returns to haunt the man who took too long to look over his shoulder. 

The 'odd' quotes: 
“It never really fades; it’s just forgotten. But the ignorance cannot last forever.”
“I feel it boil back up inside of me every time she walks by me. I thought I was free, when I’m really more trapped than ever.”
“It’s a funny feeling, being in love. It’s an even funnier feeling after you lose the one you love though.” … “You find yourself looking over your shoulder to see if they're still there, only to see nothing but emptiness. In the time it took you to work up your courage, they left.” 

I hope to be ready to write the novel once June comes along, and to be done my 100 page script by the end of April. Links leading to the websites where you can sign up to join in the fun are below. Enjoy and I intend on getting some writing posted up here soon!

Script Frenzy: http://scriptfrenzy.org/
Camp NaNoWriMo: http://campnanowrimo.org/


1 comment:

  1. wanderer's journal ... best thing I've ever read, so intense and... word's can't even describe how much I like your writting.
