Saturday, August 10, 2024

no happy ending will ever find me (poem)

The sickening smell of this room is imprinted on me
the walls oozing and cracked – no light slips through
I sit and I wait, I hope and I pray
to be okay, to be rescued from this prison
cement walls etched with desperation
my bloody fingernails still lodged in them
though I sit in the corner and clutch my knees

The last light I saw led me here
had me on my knees in worship
offering it my whole being however it wanted,
so it took the door away, and then the windows
until I was alone with nothing but darkness
and the stink of rot and coagulated blood
in this room I call my home.

No happy ending will ever find me here,
it will not erupt out of the cold hard floor
nor ooze through the cracks in the halls.
No, here in this place where hopes go to die,
I will write an ending for myself
written over and over in my own blood
until it corrodes the walls themselves
and gives me the freedom I'd die for.


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