Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Whispers of More (Odd Notes)

Whispers dance on the wind. I can't quite hear them, but I can feel them. They tug at me, pull me to a place I always dreamed of but never travelled to. How often do we fall in love with an idea, only to let reality overtake it? The convenience of it all seduces us, lures us into a life full of contentment with an underlying sense of dissatisfaction. We tell ourselves that there is not enough time in the day for all that we'd like to do, but when the time is given, indolence takes over instead. 

Forgivable, for the intention is to recharge, to revitalize our bodies and minds for the days to come. A cycle forms, however. If we always give ourselves to what we do not want, and leave nothing for ourselves, then what is the point of it all? How do we manage to balance the demands of the world with the desires of our hearts? With a scale too easily tipped, by the looks of it. I wish I was better at it (another desire to toss on the pile). 


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