Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Let's move in together (poem)

Let's move in together.
I know it sounds crazy,
but all my best ideas do.

We've spent too long here -
our feet are drying in the cement
if we don't move now, we never will.

Let's move away from last night's argument
over people we once knew here,
their ghosts haunting my heart and your mind.

Let's move away from today's rejection,
force that moment into memory
and show the world what we're worth.

Let's get caught in the river's current,
dragged far away from this place, these feelings,
and make our home on the shore we land on.

We'll find a way to turn foreign rocks
into a foundation,
and forgotten branches into walls.

I'll find a way to clean my words
of the spectres of my past
because they don't matter anymore.

And when you're cold and crying,
I will make you a fire
and hold you until you're okay.

Let's move in together,
because I love you to no end,
and want to begin again with you.


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