Friday, November 24, 2017

A story not worth reading (poem) - live long enough to become the hero

I think I'm afraid
that I'm not good enough,
that all these years of work
were a waste of my life.
So I hide away in my safe haven,
where everyone thinks I'm great.
Here, there's no rejection,
no epiphany of reality.

What if I really am
a story not worth reading?
What if only I love my words
because I live in them?
And I'll spend the rest of my life
pretending that I matter.


1 comment:

  1. Every story is meant to be shared. Some are better to be heard, while some others are meant to be read.

    But then, as with this poem you shared with us, the timing seems to have been taken into account. Maybe it is why, or maybe how, we may feel the strengh of the pen, as the Heart expresses itself.

    You live long enough to become the parent of yourself: the parent that you are of the child that you were.
