Saturday, February 18, 2017

Speak of the Devil (poem)

I had hoped never to see you again.
It's been four years.
Four years.
Couldn't you have stayed away?

I spent those days trying to erase you,
but instead I went mad,
wandering until dawn
in the depths of winter.

Now you're everywhere I go,
in the crowd at concerts,
at the bar alone,
and in my dreams at night.

I want to bash my head against a wall
to forget your face,
so that you'd be a ghost
I couldn't recognize.

But I could never forget you,
you're my most beautiful lie,
the monster I've created,
the voice in my head.


1 comment:

  1. This lie is only a tiny piece of the cake. I do think that the Devil has no problem to live with that part of the lie, neither as with that mad person. While spending time to erase him, he left himself behind, as that Devil haunts his never-ending tormenting life. That is unforgettable, indeed.

    If you don't mind, what exactly that person couldn't bare within himself accompanied by and with Devil? His lies to him, while Devil knew these lies four years ago already? His melancolic feelings for him? Or maybe that Devil's (as an opposing contrary spirit) Love for the One who couldn't fairly share the same feelings with him or even with himself?

    There is another truth that lies under the curtains in this poem. But there is truths between these lies.
