Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Catching up in our dreams (poem)

Meet me in my dreams like old times,
like last night.

Come speak with me by the waterfall
that crashes down on an eternal flame.
Tell me how you've been as we wander
across the vibrant world we built together.
Tell me about your brothers and your mother
as we pass the singing trumpet flowers.
How is living with him and being a step-mother?
Sit on this throne of dreams formed by your hope,
and command spectres to act it out on the stage.

And as the full moon is engulfed in orange flames,
I will tell you how I've been,
how I've found myself without words
as if the pen has rejected me,
how I've decided against keeping my dreams
for fear their meaningless might drive me mad,
how I lost myself in someone else's work
and filled my time with constant noise.

And as the stormy ocean crashes against the rocks below,
I'll assure you that I'm fine,
that it's not as bad as it sounds,
that this place just seems fitting for these truths -
this place we lived in and built for years
on paper in ink and in our hearts in blood.

Time changes everything,
but the eternal flame still burns.


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