Tuesday, June 20, 2017

What it could be (poem)

“That's just how the world is,”
some say with tones of defeat,
a suggestion to accept the world as is,
as if it can't change.

When they see an untended garden,
or an old worn down building,
do they see it as impossible to improve,
as some eternal unchanging mess?

What inspires them?
Is it a fear of failure?
Or hopelessness about the future?
Or an unwillingness to accept their wrongdoings?

But just as a sapling becomes a tree in time,
the world will change by nature,
regardless of those who say otherwise,
shaped by those who saw what it could be.

The heroes of the stories we tell
are those who dare to see the world
not only as it is, but for what it could be,
and choose to fight to change it.


1 comment:

  1. Ok! I don't know what is the source of inspiration here; but the little I understood in the message here calls for an attitude of constant and «un-vain» hope in life, capable of looking at fear right in the face and not succombing to the misleading ways of projecting some pointless self image but rather shedding it with self derision; but rather trusting life with all its uncertainties without giving two hoots about what others think WHICH REQUIRES one to be so authenticaly real that noone can find you with a blind spot. And not to mention about commitment of stewardship. Thank you so much for this casual uncasual expression of free-spiritness
