Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thoughts at a Bar (odd notes)

      The suspended light bulbs shine their yellow light on the oak leaves above. Underneath, a bar's patio sits mostly empty from the Monday night crawl. A large patio umbrella stands underneath the tree, barely brushing the thick trunk. Below it, two groups of young adults enjoy the craft beer. The barmaid makes conversation with some of the more regular of the customers, full of excitement for things to come but lacking in sleep. The church across the street stretches high into the sky, overlooking the town's two bars. 

      The quiet chatter of this cool summer night fills me with a romantic feeling, as if this was the place to meet a girl and start a new story. I recognize the occasional face from school. Despite what societal standards might say, attractive women are not in short supply, especially not at a university. 

      It's an old habit of mine, to fall into romantic contemplations about passing strangers. It's a broken sort of romance I imagine, though. I know that now. It's always based in impossibilities, in my many fictions. Maybe it's best if that part of me remains tied to fictional stories, but they can't be shared. I also know that beauty, in all its wonder, means next to nothing in a relationship. Love, in its full form, is far more than simply physical attraction. Sometimes what makes the physical form attractive is the mind within. 

      But it's a beautiful illusion of mine, these romantic thoughts of mine. That blonde there, sitting underneath the patio umbrella with her friends, could be my next love. I could run my fingers through her golden hair when we're alone, and I could enjoy a nice blond beer with her friends. Then there's that musician girl sitting at the bar. I've met her before and she's quite a character. Our eyes met on my way back from the bathroom. I could approach her, yeah, and start up a nice conversation, keep her company. I could offer to walk her home (I'm wary of other men), and when she would refuse me, I would ask her if she would like to exchange numbers to talk again. 

      But I know one thing for sure. These are illusions I place upon them. I'm sure they have their own illusions about things, maybe even about love, but these illusions of mine are fundamentally lonely. I won't go up to her. I won't start a new story with the blonde. I'll just sip my beer and try to fight this old habit of mine. Somehow I'm dissatisfied with what I have. I imagine some romantic perfect future with every mildly interesting young woman who catches my eye and forsake all that I have chasing after a dream. I can't do it anymore. I need to be better. Otherwise I won't be able to help others be better...


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