Saturday, July 11, 2015

Enough Rereading (poem)

I've been reading the same book
for four years now.
It's a generic love story,
boy meets girl,
falls in love,
has his heartbroken.

But I keep rereading it,
as if it'll change.
Maybe I've come to know more,
her love for another,
his source of hope,
but nothing changes.

And I can't talk about it anymore,
only to new friends.
My older friends know the tale well,
so when I mention it,
they sigh, shake their heads,
and tell me to move on.

They suggest new books for me,
ones with less heartbreak.
But all of my new friends are enticed,
hopelessly hopeful,
as if the ending could change,
but it won't.

I think we spent too much time reading,
being subject to another's pen.
I think it's time for a new story,
one with the ending I want,
one worth reading,
one that I'll write.


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