Monday, March 31, 2014

Doubts of Camp NaNoWriMo April 2014 (update)

     In little under 3 hours from now, I will be starting Camp NaNoWriMo April 2014. This year, I was reckless enough to double the word count. Instead of doing 50,000 words  (200 pages) of a single novel, I will be doing 100,000 words (400 pages) of 5 separate novels that I have done before in NaNoWriMo. Just tonight I organized my month so that for ten days (for thirty in total) I focus on one out of three novels, being "A Plead to Iris" "The Daughter of Athena" and "The Tunnels". For those 10 days, I write the same amount for them as I would in a regular NaNoWriMo. But, I will be doing 834 words (about half a daily word count) for "Kuna Zero: A Wanderer's Journal" on top of that, and another 834 words for the editing of "Love: A Chaotic Insanity" (which will take form as a rewrite on a separate file).

     Frankly, it seems doable, considering last November, I was doing a full 1667 words in approximately 40 minutes to an hour. However, on top of Camp NaNoWriMo, I will still be doing school work, and April is exam period for the most part. So, as part of my school work, I will be finish editing the first 30 pages of "The Beginning of The End", doing my readings and studying for exams, as well as writing a 15 page paper for my level 300 philosophy course. To be honest, I'm starting to regret my ambitious choice to do so many words (as well as take that level 300 philosophy course), and it hasn't even begun yet.

     But I would be lying if I said I am not prideful and have every intention of winning Camp NaNoWriMo once again. For the whole month, my mind has to be in several places at once. It has to be in at least 5 novels for Camp NaNoWriMo, but it also has to be in my studies, and these things have to be kept separate as best as I can do. If push comes to shove, I'll break my current plan involving when I'm going to write what novel, and the amounts that I write, but in the end I fully intend on emerging with 100,000 words done.

     Before I end this post, I want to quote a musical artist that I admire quite a bit. His music is an inspiration to me, and his lyrics, I think, are incredible.

     "Almost wish I hadn't picked up the pen but when I did
       Death accorded into the flames the old me went"

      The artist's name is Eppic, and the lines come from his song "Doubt" which can be found on itunes as well as youtube. I recommend looking him up, especially if you're also an artist. Anyways, I must be off to prepare. Until next time,


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