Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Imposter Syndrome (poem)

Writers and artists all around feel fake,

like we're taking on a title we don't deserve,

being someone that isn't actually us.

It's call imposter syndrome,

and recognition makes no difference -

it just feels undeserved.

Everything that we are is a lie

that we've been telling to ourselves.

But it is said that we are

what we continually do.

We are not defined by achievements,

and cannot be easily simplified.

What makes us are our actions:

a poet is identified by their poetry,

the artist by the art they create,

the writer by the words they string together.

Insincere actions are still actions,

intentions are just flavor.

A fire put out in hopes of fame

is still a fire extinguished.

So even if we are faking it,

and all of us are imposters,

the art we create is still art,

and that is what makes us artists.


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